UK North West property for sale
UK North West properties for sale below are not necessarily offered directly by Investment Property Financing but links with investment property companies that do. This does not mean that the properties displayed have been endorsed by this site nor indeed does it mean that they are always available. Please check with your financial adviser if you are unsure as to whether to proceed with any transaction.
Here are summaries of the available properties:
Derwent Street, Ordsall Lane, Manchester
ExpressNetworks, George Leigh Street, Great Ancoats, Manchester
XQ7, Salford Quays, Manchester
All these properties are based in Manchester. Here's why we think Manchester is popular:
With the largest economy outside London, Greater Manchester, the knowledge capital of the UK, has a population of 2.6 million and a workforce of 1.2 million. 25% of the UK’s motorways run through the city and over 11 million people live within 50 miles of the city centre. The city centre population currently stands at 20,000 from 1000 in 1990 and promises great growth potential with large, blue chip organisations from Finance Houses, Law firms and the BBC relocating their activities to the city. Unemployment is far lower than UK averages at 2.9% and with well-paid jobs, Manchester attracts a young, upbeat population; around 65% of who are under 45 years of age.The city boasts one of the world’s premier airports, a well-integrated public transport system and a wealth of cultural, shopping, sports and heritage potential to explore.
Growth factors
Manchester boasts the largest UK economy outside London. The rental market is sustained by high numbers of well-paid city workers and domestic and international students living in the city and achieves yields of 5.6% on new property. Property for sale has shown strong growth as the city's economy continues to expand. Demand for property continues to rise with the population, growing from 1000 in 1990 to 20000 in 2005. Over £1 billion of public and private investment in office, retail and leisure facilities are encouraging tens of thousands of affluent young professionals into the city centre and its surrounds.
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